Labour Minister Defends Govt. Commitments

Labour Minister Defends Govt. Commitments

Bahamian Media News:

Before the general elections of 2021, the Progressive Liberal Party, then in Opposition, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Trade Union Congress and the National Congress of Trade Unions. In a recent press conference some union leaders lamented that the MOU is not being respected.

Minister of Labour and the Public Service, the Hon. Pia Glover-Rolle told ZNS News the government is living up to its end of the bargain. She said, “we work from a strategic plan and the beauty of working from a strategic plan is there’s facts, there’s data, there’s checks and balances. So you can check of the work that has been done. In terms of the work that we do in Labour and the Public Service, in terms of the agenda for Labour and Public Service in our Blueprint For Change comes directly out of the memorandum of understanding. The same memorandum of understanding that is being said that nothing is being done. The quarterly meetings that we host with union leaders, all union leaders, is as a result of an item that came out of the memorandum of understanding. We’re living up to that. And as a result of those quarterly meetings, that are going very well, we’re resolving issues as they come to us.”

The post Labour Minister Defends Govt. Commitments appeared first on ZNS BAHAMAS.

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