PM Criticizes Former Government

PM Criticizes Former Government

Bahamian Media News:

Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Hon. Philip Davis criticized the former Minnis administration for their actions while in office at a press event held in Grand Bahama over the weekend.

Davis also spoke to the hard decisions that his administration had to make since assuming office. He said, “those hard decision would only have been hard if ain’ know what you’re doing and more importantly, those decision would have only been hard if you didn’t you didn’t understand the fundamentals of our economy.”

The Prime Minister also said that the international organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is astounded by what his administration has achieved. “Because when they first talked to me, when they came to me after I won they wanted me to raise taxes because we would not be able to meet our commitments in the country. That’s one of the headwinds they’re talking about because they were planning to raise the taxes. I tell them I ain’ raising no tax I cuttin’ it. They asked whether I have a hole in my head. I moved VAT from 12 to 10.”

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