PM On The Integrity Of The Police Force

PM On The Integrity Of The Police Force

Bahamian Media News:

While appearing on The Rundown talk show on Monday, Prime Minister, the Hon. Philip Davis addressed the integrity of the police force.

Currently there is an investigation ongoing into Head of the Criminal Investigations Department, Chief Inspector Michael Johnson who was allegedly recorded in leaked voice notes along with purported gang leader Michael Fox Jr. arranging to squash charges against him in exchange for money.

The week, several police officers were also summoned to appear in the Coroner’s Court in connection with several police involved shootings.

Mr. Davis said, “one of the critical factors of effective policing is for the public to have confidence in the police force because it is the public that you rely on to provide you with the intelligence, it’s the public you rely on to assist you in detecting crimes, it’s the public you rely on to help you in the preventing of crimes.  And where there is that lack of trust and confidence you will have this breakdown.  So they are rightly concerned about what is happening in the police force, me too I’m concerned, but there’s a process.  We have to allow the process to be carried out.   I want to assure the Bahamian public that that process will be carried out with integrity and with objectivity and the results will be known and the chips will fall where they may.”


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