The National Insurance Board and the Public Managers Union (PMU) signed a 2025 – 2029 industrial agreement Thursday, January 16, 2025 at the National Insurance Board’s head office. Both sides indicated that continuous communication between them played a key role in achieving the goal. The agreement includes salary increases, benefits and lump sum payments. Chairman of the National Insurance Board Philip McKenzie (standing second from right, holding signed documents) thanked both negotiating teams for their efforts and time.
He expressed joy in knowing that the signing represented a plus in the efforts of the government to give Bahamian labourers peaceful job environments. Mr. McKenzie shakes hands with PMU President Lesile Munnings as negotiating team members look on. Pictured seated in the group photo, from left: Antona Curry/PMU Acting Secretary General; Brittany Evans/PMU Trustee; Luchiano Seymour/PMU 1st Vice President; Leslie Munnings/PMU President; Philip McKenzie/NIB Chairman; Theofanis Cochinamogulos/NIB Deputy Chairman; Dr. Tami Francis/NIB Director; and Howard Thompson Jr./Director, Department of Labor.
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