Local Government Elections Thursday

Local Government Elections Thursday

Bahamian Media News:

Local government elections are slated to be held on Thursday.  City of Freeport Administration, Preston Cooper spoke with ZNS News about the process and where voters can cast their votes.

Cooper listed the documents voters must present in order to cast a ballot.  “They need to bring with them a voter’s card.  In the absence of a voter’s card a government issued ID, that is either a driver’s license of the government issued NIB card.”

The Administrator also announced the polling stations where voting will take place.  “In the Central Grand Bahama area, polling divisions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7a, Mary Patricia.  St. George’s High School will be polling division 8, 12 and 14.  Lewis Yard Primary School will be in polling division 11a and 13a.”

Voters in Pineridge are allowed to vote at Hugh Campbell Primary School,  Jack Hayward Jr. High School, YMCA, Tabernacle Baptist, St. Paul Methodist, Pro Cathedral of Christ The King and Central Church of God.

Polling stations for Marco City are Freeport Gospel School, Jack Hayward Sr. High School, Mary Star of the Sea School, Bishop Michael Eldon School and Sunland Baptist Academy.

Voters in City of Freeport, East Grand Bahama can vote at Freeport Primary, Walter Parker Primary and Maurice Moore Primary.

Cooper stressed the importance of voting.  He said, “I encourage everyone to take the time out and go out and cast a ballot for a candidate of their choice that they feel have their community at heart and wants to move not only the community but wants to move the whole purpose of local government forward.  It’s all about impacting the communities.”


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