During his remarks at the 98th Biennial National Convention of the Church of God of Prophecy on Wednesday Prime Minister, the Hon. Philip Davis called for the nation to stand together.
He said, “the time has come for us to stand together not just in crisis, but in everyday life. To look at the person beside us not as PLP, not as FNM, not as someone from this constituency or that but as a brother, a sister, a fellow Bahamian with hope and dream just like ours.”
The Prime Minister appealed to congregants to pray for young men who are struggling. He also asked them to “speak life into a young woman who is lost. Reach out to someone who needs guidance and above all let us start seeing ourselves in each other, not as strangers, not as enemies, but as family because if we do that we’ll not only change individual lives we will change the future of our nation.”
The homicide rate has decreased thus far this year compared to the same time last year. However, the rate of suicide has increased 33% over 2024. The Prime Minister said, “behind every statistic is a mother who prayed over her son, a father who worked to give him a better life, community that had hopes for his future.”
Mr. Davis’ appeal came shortly before the body of a man was found hanging in an apartment on Royal Palm Street. Police Press Liaison Officer, Chief Superintendent Sheria King was on the scene where she advised those struggling with issues to seek help.
The post Support Needed Amid Rising Mental Health & Violence Concerns appeared first on ZNS BAHAMAS.