Govt House Renovations Costs Doubled

Govt House Renovations Costs Doubled

Bahamian Media News:

The contractor in charge of the extensive renovations underway at Government House spoke to the cost overruns on the project that have led to the amount doubling.

Floyd Wilmott of Telco Enterprise Ltd. said, “we started with about around $9.9 million thereabouts but as, you all know, some of you may have a home and you know go in a home today two years later you have to do some renovation. So we started with one figure and as we continue, for example the ballroom, there was change orders we had to do, same for the main residence, same for the Windsor Wing and the landscaping. Today, the total cost of the contract, I wouldn’t be able to give you that precise figure, I can tell you its probably about double by the time we’re done.”

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