Adelaide Kids Get Career Exposure at Back to School Event

Adelaide Kids Get Career Exposure at Back to School Event

Bahamian Media News:

Kids in the Adelaide constituency got more than backpacks and free school supplies at the annual Back-to-School event hosted by Member of Parliament Vaughn P. Miller. They were exposed to career options, and had the opportunity to speak with individuals who could answer their questions and give them guidance for the future. In addition, they received information and advice on tertiary education from the Bahamas Agriculture & Marine Science Institute (BAMSI). MP Miller also ensured that health services were provided for kids and parents, taking a holistic approach to back-to-school preparations.

Scores of families turned out to participate in the fun and festivities at the event Miller hosted at the Dignity Gardens Park on Saturday, August 24, 2024. There, youngsters had the opportunity to meet local professionals and learn about various career paths. Representatives from the uniformed corps, healthcare, the financial industry and others participated.

With the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) Base located in the Adelaide constituency, officers work closely with MOP Miller to assist in encouraging the youth and guiding them on the path to joining the institution. The RBDF Band performed skilled marching routines, while RBDF Rangers, the youth arm, showed off their skills in military drills. They also shared their experiences as rangers with the kids attending the back-to-school event.

“We added a career path component to our back to school event to expose the students – particularly the older students – and have them thinking about what they would like to do after they graduate,” Mr Miller said.

“Proverbs 22:6 says train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Well an important part of that training is education. We want to give these students the opportunities that we did not have in our time. My parents’ generation – they fought to see us have the opportunities they didn’t have. Free education, free school supplies, and lots of support helps to position the students to pursue higher levels of education.”

MP Miller announced that beginning in September, a brand new STEM education programme will be introduced into the Adelaide constituency. This three month programme will take place on Saturdays, and information is forthcoming.

Community partner Pompey Medical was amongst the institutions represented at the Adelaide Back-to-School event. Representatives were on hand to assist with blood pressure and other health checks, and to assist with medical and wellness checks for kids going back to school. Pompey Medical also assisted with NHI enrolment applications, to encourage as many parents as possible to take advantage of the program, which provides free quality healthcare services. Colina Insurance was also on hand to provide career advice and assistance with insurance for interested residents.

Kids enjoyed food and drinks, ice cream, cotton candy, the 24 Carat Juice Bar, face painting, and other activities including a basketball jamboree.

Veteran basketball coach of 35 years Ricky Moxey led the jamboree, which provided cash prizes of up to $150 for the winners.

“A lot of people are hurting out there,” Coach Moxey said,”So we wanted to do something different that would put money into some of their pockets, right in time for back to school. We had free throw and three point shot competitions, and they loved it.”

Source: Felicity Darville

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