Bahamas Striping Training

Bahamas Striping Training

Bahamian Media News:

The Bahamas Striping Group of Companies held a training in road patching and paving for seven local contractors on the island of Eleuthera over the weekend.

Ministry of Works Senior Civil Engineer Francis Clarke was present and said, “first of all the product that’s being used is a coal patch mix which is a water based asphalt. The island of Eleuthera does not have a hot mix plant. And so the whole patch mix is shipped into Eleuthera and the contractors will saw cut the affected area, prep it by putting in the lime rock base and they will compact the lime rock base and then they will put the coal patch mix on top of it and compact it to an inch to an inch and a half thickness.”

Chief Executive Officer of Bahamas Striping Atario Mitchell expressed pride in the initiative. “As a part of our philosophy in this particular contract is not to do the work ourselves but to empower other local, like someone who probably had the idea of wanting to do like a road maintenance company but didn’t really have the opportunity, we wanted to provide them with that opportunity so that they can be a part of a project that is going to change Eleuthera for the better,” he said.

Bahamas Striping has secured $50 million for road improvement projects on the islands of Eleuthera and Long Island and intends to train local contractors on others islands to share in the projects.

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