BDOCS Celebrate Chaplaincy Volunteers

BDOCS Celebrate Chaplaincy Volunteers

Bahamian Media News:

The Bahamas Department of Correctional Services held a gala at the Faith United Baptist Church Auditorium to honor sixteen volunteers of its chaplaincy program.

The keynote address was delivered by Father Sebastian Campbell who told attendees, “we need to invest money in training Chaplains in chaplaincy. And for thirty years, I’ve been asking, begging for money to invest in training Chaplains and almost thirty years the cry has come back ‘we ain get no money.’ That don’t happen at BDOCS right? I want to challenge you to rise above this understanding that Bahamians have in believing that Chaplaincy is simply going somewhere and preaching and trying to convert somebody to Jesus Christ. Chaplaincy is more than that.”

The Minister of National Security, the Hon. Wayne Munroe was also in attendance at the event.

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