BTVI Faculty Protest

BTVI Faculty Protest

Bahamian Media News:

Members of the faculty at the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) staged a protest against the delay in the signing of their new industrial agreement on Monday. The members of the Union of Tertiary Educators of The Bahamas accused the institution of trying to renegotiate a contract that has already been agreed to by all parties. The protesters also lamented the lack of a president at the institution.

Instructor Craig Albury said, “BTVI executive committee has not been fear with us, has not respect us as faculty, as stakeholders. We should be coming together and forming a unity to be able to propel this institution forward and right now we’re not getting the respect from the executive committees, we’re not getting that.”

Albury also stated about the negotiation process, “the government has put forward a document in writing that was communicated to us was also communicated to the institution. And when there was an impasse, cause we had an impasse about two items sick leave and instructor hours. The government came and back and said hey here’s your sick leave. The institution didn’t want to do that.”

Negotiations of the would be three year agreement has been ongoing for ten months.

The post BTVI Faculty Protest appeared first on ZNS BAHAMAS.

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