CARPHA On Regional Crime Statistics

CARPHA On Regional Crime Statistics

Bahamian Media News:

The 67th Caribbean Public Health Agency’s (CARPHA) Annual Health Research Conference was held at the Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island ending on April 29th.

Speaking on the impact of crime on health services at a press conference, CARPHA Executive Director Dr. Joy St. John said, “how health can better interface with all of the many sectors who are dealing with this now. We think about when crime situations present at our different levels of care accident and emergency, primary care in the community settings, secondary and tertiary. So one of the things that we have to do to really find out not just what is the situation but what are the best ways in which the many sectors can interact and health can support.”

For his part, Minister of Health and Wellness, the Hon. Dr. Michael Darville said, “the involvement of psychologists, psychiatrists, begin to look at juvenile delinquency and begin to address young individuals who are displaying issues as it relates to irrational behaviour and to have them properly psychologically evaluated to look for any sort of psychiatric undertones because the science is clear. But for us at the Ministry of Health and Wellness at our trauma centers, when you have violent crime particularly gunshot wounds it consumes a lot of your resources. It delays the delivery of services at the Accident and Emergency and the list goes on and on.”

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