Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, the Hon. Chester Cooper gave members of the media an update on the restoration of downtown Nassau while outside of the House of Assembly on Wednesday.
Cooper said, “things we’ve done already include increasing in a significant way the ongoing clean up and maintenance of the area. We have ensured that there is a budget for doing. We are undertaking some beautification projects. We’re looking at the old traffic studies at the moment that talked about diverting some traffic and making some streets pedestrian only. And what we are also doing is a significant push to demolish dilapidated buildings. So far I believe we’ve done about six of them. There are about nine more on our radar. There is a process that must be undertaken.”
The Minister went further stating, “we are looking at legislation. We looking at the new Mental Health Act to see how we can help to manage vagrancy. We looking at the news City Management Bill with the Attorney General’s Office. We’re reviewing some of these items and that will go to cabinet in due course. And we are consistently looking for even more meaningful ways to improve the downtown area. So these are some of the short and medium term things that we’re doing.”
The post Downtown Restoration Update appeared first on ZNS BAHAMAS.