Internal Issues Continue Within Valley Boys

Internal Issues Continue Within Valley Boys

Bahamian Media News:

The two factions of the Valley Boys Junkanoo group are still at odds.  On Tuesday, The Way Forward group served the World Famous Valley Boys with an eviction notice for a shack on Claridge Road.

Way Forward Committee Member, Herbert Bain explained that the group obtained a ten year lease for the shack in 2007.  He said, “the previous management team of the Valley Boys did not see it fit to renew the lease and technically speaking anyone could have come and obtain a lease for this facility and the Valley Boys would be out in the cold.  But we in our quest to build this group and to build this group for the membership we were able to secure a ten year lease for this property.”

Deeming the Way Forward group a renegade faction, former Vice Chairman of the World Famous Valley Boys, Patrick Adderley lamented that the theatrics is distasteful.  He said, “in their own pronouncements said they had three shacks.  Mr. Sandy Sands, the Minister all of them are trying to force us to join or meet with these people.  But these are the kind of theatrics that they do behind your back, under the door, under the cover, underhanded things, wicked, evil things.  This is what they are all about and this is why we cannot talk to them.”

Leader of the Way Forward group,  Trevor Davis says that his group has extended an olive branch to the World Famous Valley Boys and have called for elections. “We are the ones who are saying let’s have transparency and accountability and if that was the order of the day we wouldn’t have been here we would have been talking about something else,” he said.

A press conference was held on Tuesday where Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, the Hon. Mario Bowleg announced that seed money for the Valley Boys is on hold until after a meeting to be held on Sunday.



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