Optimism About Start of 2024/25 Budget

Optimism About Start of 2024/25 Budget

Bahamian Media News:

Minister of Economic Affairs, Sen. Hon. Michael Halkitis is sharing his optimism one month into the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Halkitis told ZNS News the government is making sure that prudence is a top priority.  He said, “from time to time you would have emergencies where ministries might be coming forward for extra money for unforeseen circumstances.  We have not seen that as yet.  It’s very early in the budget process for that.  But were very encouraged so far, as a matter of fact, I had the opportunity today to speak to some local investors and was sharing with them that over the past two budget cycles seen as very nice improvement.  We’ve seen out debt ratios go down, some things are moving in the right direction and what we need to do is just maintain that disciple because we have objectives to keep that going downwards.”

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