PM Addresses Concordia Summit In New York City

PM Addresses Concordia Summit In New York City

Bahamian Media News:

While in New York City this week to attend the United Nations General Assembly Prime Minister, the Hon. Philip Davis delivered an address at the Concordia Summit.

Mr. Davis told those in attendance, “we as leaders must acknowledge that this is not a burden to be shared but an opportunity to be seized to build more resilient infrastructure, to create a cleaner and more efficient energy systems and to foster innovation that drives economic growth.  In The Bahamas we are not sitting back and waiting, we’re charting our own course leading from the frontlines of climate change with a blueprint for a more sustainable future.”

The Prime Minister challenged those in the room to move the climate fight forward by going beyond pledges.  He said, “direct your capital towards renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure and climate resilient technologies, support the innovators in climate vulnerable countries, partner with us to scale up the solutions that are already working.  To policy makers, let us enact bold transformative policies that accelerate the transition to a low carbon, climate resilient future, end fossil fuel subsidies, implement carbon pricing mechanisms, invest in nature based solutions and ensure that climate action is integrated into every aspect of policy making.  To the innovators, the disruptors, the change makers, let us place climate action at the heart of our technological advancement.  Let us seize this opportunity, not with apprehension, but with a renewed sense of purpose.”

The Prime Minister also addressed Climate Week NYC earlier this week.


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