Religious Leader Addresses Immigration Concerns

Religious Leader Addresses Immigration Concerns

Bahamian Media News:

Anglican Archdeacon James Palacious has weighed in on the country’s illegal immigration issues.

Palacious spoke on persons born in the country to foreign parents stating, “as soon as they get eighteen, in some cases, we discriminate against them, that’s when they’re in a position to make more of a contribution to the development of the country. And that’s when sometimes they flee they go to Miami they go elsewhere. You’d be surprised, probably not be, how many persons of Haitian extract who are abroad living and contributing a good bit of what we have paid for in them, that’s because they didn’t find a home here.”

On the issue of the citizenship approval process Palacious said, “it is too slow to the extent that you probably need to mobilize more people in that area. Whether its in intelligence, whether its in investigation and I defer to the minister, he would know he a former police officer. He would know how many fraudulent cases, he referenced that several instances are on his desk right now.”

The clergyman also opined on the demolition of shanty towns. He said, “I think in all things we have to consider not only that there is a legal component but there is a humane component. We’re dealing here with human beings regardless of their nationality, regardless of their status. We must be humane even in the execution of the law and the permission given by the courts to demolish.”

Palacious says that there is need for others to come in and help us with economic development but there must be compliance with the law.

The post Religious Leader Addresses Immigration Concerns appeared first on ZNS BAHAMAS.

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