Sustainable Development Goals Conference

Sustainable Development Goals Conference

Bahamian Media News:

Prime Minister, the Hon. Philip Davis was in attendance at the 2nd Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Conference held at the University of The Bahamas on Tuesday.

During his remarks Davis told the gathering, “moving forward in acknowledgement of the all encompassing impact climate change has had and will continue to have on our economies and societies we must fully integrate climate solutions into all of our sustainable development strategies. As we accelerate the SDG agenda we need to be mindful that not everyone in our society is aware of the SDGs and their importance to global development. They are not aware of the goals we have achieved or those where we still need significant progress.”

Davis also addressed the reform of the energy sector in regards to achieving SDGs. He said, “an aging twentieth century grid can’t support a growing twenty first century economy. So we are tackling the root cause of high electricity prices and unreliable power, burdens that have held us back for far too long. We’re forging a just and environmentally alert energy future for our archipelago, one in harmony with SDG 7, affordable and clean energy. Powered by solar and natural gas two energy sources that are far cleaner than crude oil and diesel our new energy era will see the modernization of our power grids across the country bringing efficiency gains, lower energy bills and new opportunities for Bahamians.”

The theme for this year’s conference is From Awareness To Action: Accelerating the SDG Agenda In The Bahamas.

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