The Charitable Side Of Atlantis

The Charitable Side Of Atlantis

Bahamian Media News:

Atlantis Executive Vice President, Administration and Strategic Initiatives, Vaughn Roberts sat for an interview with ZNS News anchor Macushla Pinder on day four of The Bahamas Tonight broadcasting from the Paradise Island resort.

Roberts spoke about the importance of the charitable efforts of Atlantis as a good corporate citizen in the country. He said, “we value our people and the communities in which they live and for us, you know, we see ourselves as being in The Bahamas. And so its important for us to contribute and strengthen those communities and from the very beginning under Sol Kerzner’s leadership it was important to give back to the community and that’s continued now even through today. So it’s really about contributing to the environment and the community that you live in and its in our DNA.”

According to Roberts over the decades that Atlantis has been operating in the country almost every local NGO, community organizations or charity has benefitted from its support. “All of the local charity balls that happen in The Bahamas really live here at Atlantis and we’ve supported them over the years. We’ve made significant investment and commitment to protecting the marine environment throughout The Bahamas and throughout the Caribbean, significant efforts around rescue and rehabilitation of marine mammals. We’ve given a lot to youth development, to sports to Junkanoo, to art, to the well being of people in the community. We taken a particular focus this year on looking at how we support underserved communities and people who are in need. So its really been the full range. It’s quite impressive when you think about what Atlantis has done over the last thirty years. I would say that no other company in The Bahamas comes close to what we do in terms of our giving back to the community,” he said.

Atlantis has partnered with Adastra Gardens and other organizations to assist in the community. Roberts said, “earlier this year we organized a fundraiser celebrating the 25th anniversary of Royal Towers where we raised $300,000 to support five local community organizations and charities. And it really was Atlantis stepping out front and then we had thirty of our partners join us. A lot of them local businesses that kind of grew up and achieved phenomenal success here at Atlantis and they stepped up to the plate. So its about what Atlantis can do and then its also about inspiring others to do it.”

The Strategic Initiative head says Atlantis takes its market leadership seriously and demonstrates it through its community giving.

The post The Charitable Side Of Atlantis appeared first on ZNS BAHAMAS.

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