Top Cop Defended Over Silence Into Former CID Chief

Top Cop Defended Over Silence Into Former CID Chief

Bahamian Media News:

Minister of National Security, the Hon. Wayne Munroe defended Commissioner of Police, Clayton Fernander’s stance to not comment on the ongoing investigation into Chief Superintendent Michael Johnson.

Munroe said, “those who are concerned with seeing justice prevail must understand that there is a system and there is no point giving somebody a get out of jail free card called publicizing the matter in the press so even the simplest lawyer relaying on Ferguson and others and a gang of cases can say, yes you may have all of this but court you can’t find an impartial jury cause all of this has been flooded in the media.  It is a balance that must be struck and its a balance that I am fully aware of.”

Commissioner Fernander released a statement on August 22nd saying, “upon advice and in order not to compromise the investigation into the voice notes with regard to the former Head of the Criminal Investigation Department, there will be no further public statements about the investigation until the investigation is complete, except to confirm form time to time that the investigation is still ongoing.”  Munroe also released a statement at that time yielding to the Commissioner’s position on the matter.

Munroe remained firm in his view saying, “this desire for a blow by blow of information has deleterious affect on prosecutions.  I repeat,  I know what the affect is.  Anytime you give that gift to a defense lawyer they will thank you for it.”

Chief Superintendent Michael Johnson was allegedly part of leaked voice notes with purported gang leader, Michael Fox Jr. arranging to squash a case against Fox Jr.



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