Valley Boys Saga Continues

Valley Boys Saga Continues

Bahamian Media News:

The Junkanoo Corporation New Providence (JCNP) has determined that the Valley Boys:  The Way Forward is ineligible for competition at the upcoming Boxing Day and New Year’s Day Junkanoo parades.

JCNP Chairman, Dion Miller said, “the Valley Boys:  The Way Forward are not registered with the JCNP to participate in the upcoming parades.  As we communicated with the government yesterday they will be allowed to participate as a fun group, and the rules is the rules.  The registration process opens April 1st and it concludes on June 1st.  So its during the period where groups are allowed to register for membership as well as participation in the parade.”

Miller added, “the Valley Boys under Brian Adderley were registered to participate in the parade.   The Valley Boys:  The Way Forward are not registered to participate in the parades as simple as that.”

Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, the Hon. Mario Bowleg announced earlier this week that seed funding initially withheld pending a stakeholder meeting that took place over the weekend would be given to both factions of the Valley Boys.

Bowleg told reporters on Wednesday, “junkanoo belongs to the Bahamian people not to anyone one or group of individuals.  And therefore, we made that decision that we’ll provide both groups with the necessary funding in order for them to reach Bay Street.  The decision on which group is either A or F or B or whichever category is that of the JCNP.  But I do believe that in the long run we have to look at what’s best for Junkanoo and understand that the Bahamian people come on Bay Street to see the best of the best perform.  If it was my decision, in my opinion, I believe that both factions should have been given the opportunity to compete for a prize.”

The JCNP Chairman assured that the group is ready to host the upcoming parades.  “The Saxons are on notice they’re  defending their title.  The JCNP are ready to roll.  Our judges are in place, we finish that process shortly.  The rules are ratified and its time to go to Bay.”

Responding to the latest developments, Chairman of the Valley Boys:  The Way Forward promised that the group will rush on Bay Street as an A group.

The post Valley Boys Saga Continues appeared first on ZNS BAHAMAS.

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