Work Permits Update

Work Permits Update

Bahamian Media News:

The Minister of Labour and Immigrations addressed reporters on the issuance of work permits outside of Cabinet on the island of Grand Bahama on Tuesday.

The Hon. Keith Bell said, “I don’t believe that we have sufficient Bahamian labour to help deal with the construction, not just here in Grand Bahama but certainly throughout the islands Abaco in particular and therefore there is a need for foreign labour. Nonetheless it is a very strenuous exercise in respect to the grant of work permits. And while we have approved a number of work permits, you’ll recall earlier this year I would have indicated that no new work permits are being issued for anyone coming out of Haiti because of the collapse of the government in Haiti. We have approved one or two in respect to humanitarian reasons but other than that its a very very strict process in respect to the work permits.”

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